Transform Your Real Estate Agency with AI-Driven Automation

Imagine a real estate agency where mundane tasks are automated, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – building relationships and closing deals. offers innovative solutions to make this a reality.

Build Your AI-Powered Chatbot for Your Real Estate Agency in Under 5 Minutes

Watch how you can build an AI chatbot for your Real Estate Agency

Simplify Your Processes

In the fast-paced world of real estate, time is of the essence. automates routine tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing listings, and following up with leads.

This allows your agents to dedicate more time to client interactions and property showings.

  • Save countless hours with automated scheduling.
  • Keep your listings up-to-date effortlessly.
  • Ensure timely follow-ups with potential clients.

Enhance Client Engagement automates routine tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing listings, and following up with leads. This allows your agents to dedicate more time to client interactions and property showings.

  • Save countless hours with automated scheduling.
  • Keep your listings up-to-date effortlessly.
  • Ensure timely follow-ups with potential clients.

Boost Sales Efficiency helps you identify and nurture high-quality leads through intelligent data analysis. By prioritizing leads based on their engagement and interest, your sales team can focus their efforts on closing deals faster.

Our AI chatbots can speak over 90 languages, helping you serve a diverse clientele and ensuring that language is never a barrier.

  • Identify promising leads with AI-driven insights.
  • Streamline lead nurturing processes.
  • Improve conversion rates and sales performance.


Incorporate Our Powerful Chatbots Into Your Real Estate Agency

3 Simple Steps to Using AI to Help Your Clients

Gain a new employee who helps 24/7/365 answer any questions about your Homes



Add any Website content, DOCX,TXT, PDF files, or even YouTube videos securely into your Chatbot in minutes.



Choose your welcome message, chat icon, and colour scheme to match your brand and needs.



Simply share the link to your custom-trained chatbot or embed it into your Website.

Real Estate Agencies Around the World Are Using FastBots

Join fellow Real Estate Agents using AI chatbots

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about how our AI Chatbots can help you

What are AI chatbots for real estate agencies?

AI chatbots are virtual assistants that help real estate agencies manage client inquiries, provide property information, and assist with scheduling viewings.

How can an AI chatbot benefit my real estate agency?

AI chatbots improve client service by offering 24/7 support, handling routine questions, and freeing up agents to focus on closing deals.

Can the chatbot assist with property inquiries?

Yes, the chatbot can provide detailed information about listings, including features, pricing, and availability.

Is it difficult to set up an AI chatbot for my agency?

No, the chatbot setup is quick and easy, with options to integrate it into your website or messaging platforms.

Can the chatbot operate outside of business hours?

Yes, the chatbot is available 24/7, ensuring clients can get information and schedule viewings anytime.

Does the chatbot support multiple languages?

Yes, the chatbot supports over 90 languages, allowing it to communicate effectively with diverse clients.

How does the AI chatbot enhance client satisfaction?

By providing instant, accurate, and polite responses, the chatbot improves the client experience, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement.

Can the chatbot be customized to match my agency’s brand?

Absolutely. You can personalize the chatbot’s appearance and messaging to align with your agency’s branding.

What data is needed to train the AI chatbot?

You can upload property listings, FAQs, and other relevant information to ensure the chatbot provides accurate responses.

Will the chatbot reduce the workload on my agents?

Yes, by handling routine inquiries and scheduling, the chatbot allows agents to focus on more complex tasks.

Is it possible to test the chatbot before fully integrating it?

Yes, offers a free trial where you can create and test a custom AI chatbot for your gym before committing to full integration.

What happens if I encounter issues with my AI chatbot? offers comprehensive support to help resolve any issues quickly, ensuring your chatbot remains effective.

Can the chatbot help with client onboarding?

Yes, the chatbot can guide new clients through the onboarding process, collecting necessary information and setting up meetings.

Will the AI chatbot be able to manage high traffic times?

Yes, the chatbot can handle multiple client conversations simultaneously, ensuring smooth operation even during peak times.

Can the chatbot provide information on local market trends?

Yes, the chatbot can share insights on local market conditions, helping clients make informed decisions.

Does the chatbot require ongoing maintenance? provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your chatbot functions optimally.


Make a Test AI Chatbot For Your Real Estate Agency For Free Now

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